Call To Glory -
Call To Glory
2-4 , 30 ,
Michael Schacht (mschacht)
Drew Baker
White Goblin Games
Francesco Testini (XiaoYi)
Huachong Zhuang (Yanlanqi)

Call To Glory

pdf Call To Glory official rules (English)


Players collect Japanese characters of different values. When a player has two or more cards of the same character in his hand, he can (possibly) lay these cards on the table and score them at the end of the round. If, however, an opponent lays out more cards of the same type, then the characters of that type already on the table are discarded...


  • 110 Character cards
  • 12 Imperial Task cards
  • 4 Ninja Miniatures


  • Shuffle the 110 Character cards thoroughly.
  • Deal each player three cards face down; these cards form each player’s starting hand.
  • Place the remaining cards in two face-down piles of roughly equal height. Leave sufficient space between them to allow for two discard piles.
  • Leave the 12 Imperial Task cards and the 4 Ninja miniatures in the box. These are only needed when you play one of the variants described at the end of the rules.

The Character Cards

Each Character card depicts one of nine Japanese characters. The number on a card indicates how many of that character are in the game - twenty Farmers, for example, but only eight Daimyo. The number also indicates the value of each type of character during scoring.

9 different Character cards: 6x Emperor, 7x Empress, 8x Daimyo, 9x Shogun, 12x Samurai, 14x Ninja, 16x Envoy, 18x Monk, 20x Farmer

Game Sequence

The game is played over four rounds (in the quick game variant it is played with just one round). Each round starts with the setup of the game and is played in turns. Players take turns in clockwise order. A turn consists of two consecutive actions:

  • Action 1: Draw two cards
  • Action 2: Lay cards or discard a card

Action 1: Draw cards

On his turn, a player must draw two cards. Each card has to be drawn from a different pile. At the beginning of the game, the starting player has only the two face-down draw piles from which to choose; he must therefore take the top card of each pile into his hand. During the course of the game, two face-up discard piles will be created, and a player can draw the top card from either (or both) of these piles too.

Action 2: Lay cards or discard a card

After drawing cards, the player must either lay a set of character cards to the table (see Action 2a) or discard one card (see Action 2b).

Action 2a: Laying more than one card

Players must observe the following rules when laying cards:

  • Only one type of card can be laid per turn.
  • The cards must be laid face-up and overlapping so that their numbers are clearly visible.
  • A player must lay down at least two cards.

If any player has already laid cards of this type, the following rule applies:

  • The player laying cards must lay down more cards than the amount of this type currently on the table. The player who has the smaller set of cards of this type in front of him, must discard all these cards face-up to one of the two discard piles.

Important: in a 3 and 4 player game a player must lay out at least three cards of the 12, 14 and 16 cards (Note the three little dots below the numbers on these cards).

Example: Player A has four Farmer cards in front of him that he laid earlier in the game. Player B now lays six Farmer cards. Player A must immediately discard his four Farmer cards to one of the two discard piles.

Important: Once one type of Character card has been laid, a player may not add further cards of the same type on subsequent turns! But a player can lay down a larger set of cards of the same type on a subsequent turn.

Example: Player A has three Ninja cards in front of him. Over several turns, he has taken five more Ninja cards into his hand. On his turn, he lays these five Ninjas on the table, then discards the three Ninja cards already in play to one of the two discard piles.

Action 2b: Discard a card

If a player cannot or does not want to lay cards, he must choose one card from his hand and discard it face-up to one of the two discard piles. He should choose carefully, remembering that this card can be picked up on a future turn.

The first discarded card starts the first discard pile (in between the two draw piles). The second discarded card must begin a second discard pile. If one discard pile is exhausted because all the cards in it have been drawn, a second discard pile must be formed before any further cards are discarded to the first discard pile. When there are two discard piles, each player may choose which pile to discard to. Thus, after the course of several rounds, four piles are present from which each player may choose to draw his two cards. The only restriction is that the two cards cannot be taken from the same pile.


Play continues until one of the following three conditions occurs at the end of any player’s turn:

  • One player has laid six different types of characters (2 player), five different types of characters (3 player) or four different types of characters (4 players).
  • All nine types of characters are on the table.
  • Only one draw pile remains. (Ignore the discard piles!)

This is the end of the round. All players calculate their score by writing on a sheet of paper the values of each type of character card they have in front of them, disregarding the number of character cards they have of each type. Cards in a player’s hand earn no points.

Example: At the end of his turn, Player A has six different types of characters in front of him. The round ends. The score of each player is calculated as follows:

  • Player A: 18+12+9+8+7+6 = 60 points
  • Player B: 20+16 = 36 points

The player with the least points in total will be the start player for the next round. In case of a tie, the player who scored the least points this round will be the new start player. The set up and play for the next round are the same as described above.

Winning the Game

After playing four rounds (one round in the quick game variant), the game ends. The player with the most points wins. In case of a tie, the player who scored the most points in a single round wins.

Variant 1: "Imperial Tasks"

Set up:

  • Set up the piles as in the standard game and deal three cards to each player.
  • Divide the Task cards into three different piles: A (red), B (yellow) and C (blue). Shuffle each pile, deal each player one card from each pile, then remove any remaining Task cards from the game.

End of the Round / Scoring: At the end of each round, each player (starting with the start player and going clockwise) MUST reveal ONE of his Task cards. Any player who has the corresponding cards in front of him scores the bonus points indicated on the Task card for EACH of those cards. Revealed Task cards are removed from the game. The deck A task cards score 5 bonus points per card in front of a player, the deck B task cards score 4 bonus points per card, and the deck C task cards score 3 bonus points per card. Players then score points as usual for ALL the sets in front of them.

Winning the Game: The player with the most points after three rounds wins.

Variant 2: "The Power of the Ninja"

Set up:

  • Set up the piles as in the standard game and deal three cards to each player.
  • Place the four Ninja miniatures in the middle of the table near the two draw piles.

The same rules apply as in the standard game with the following change: When a player lays a set of Ninja cards (following the rules of the standard game) on the table, he takes one Ninja miniature (if available) from the general stock. At any time during a future turn, a player can return a Ninja miniature to the general stock to eliminate one card from a set in front of an opponent; that player discards his card to either discard pile.

Note! A player can use a Ninja at any moment during his turn (before, after or during action 1 and/or 2). It is allowed to use multiple Ninjas during the same turn.

Online Variants

Please note that "Imperial Tasks" and "The Power of the Ninja" variants have not been implemented in this online version. The online "Quick Game" variant is played on 1 Round with the base rules.

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